Student-Led Conferences

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Student-led conferences open kids’ eyes to what they are really learning. They can see things on a larger scale, and they realize that they have to make a plan for themselves and their learning.
– Mike Jordan, Two Rivers parent
Building Student Ownership
for Learning and Growth
A student-led conference is a meeting to share a student’s current level of performance and to set goals for future learning. The student-led conference—which includes a student, family members, and a teacher—replaces the traditional parent-teacher conference, giving the student ownership over presenting his or her work and setting goals for future growth. Student-led conferences exist on a continuum from students being present at the conference to students leading every element of the conference. Ideally, the student speaks for the majority of the conference, curates his or her work in a portfolio, and reflects on data from the work and standardized measures.
Resources for Student-Led Conferences
Preparation and Exemplars

During the Student-Led Conference

Resources for Students