Student-Led Individualized Education Programs
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It is important for students to be involved in their IEP because they need to know what they need. By identifying their own strengths and weaknesses, they are better prepared to achieve their goals.
– Rossana Mahvi, Director of Specialized Instruction at Two Rivers
An Opportunity for Students with Disabilities
to Lead in Their Own Education
Traditionally, individualized education programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities are developed and carried out by adults. At Two Rivers, we believe that student-led IEPs are meaningful opportunities for students with disabilities to take leadership roles in the creation and implementation of their plans.
Student-led IEPs exist on a continuum from minimal student involvement to student leadership throughout the process. Students at every grade level are capable of participating in some form in the process of defining their education plan.
By helping to create and implement their IEPs, students become better advocates for themselves and take greater ownership over their learning. Consequently, they are more likely to stay invested in their education and achieve their educational goals.

Resources for Student-Led IEPs

What is the process of having a student lead their IEP?